I just dug up an old tree stump that was in a yard and now theres a big hole.Can i just throw grass seed in the hole and cover it back up with dirt or is there a certain way of planting grass seed?

Don’t cover the seed. Put the dirt in first, throw the seed on top, and pressing the soil to make good contact.

Grass seed needs light to germinate, and if it’s buried completely, nothing will happen until the soil is disturbed, or washed off enough that light gets to the seeds.

5 Comments posted on "How deep can i plant grass seed in where it will still grow?"
FF on November 16th, 2013 at 7:24 am #

Level the hole as best you can then rake the seed into the top 3/4 inch of soil. Water.
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Joanne A. W on November 16th, 2013 at 7:37 am #

Fill it with soil first. Water and let the soil settle. Add more soil if need. Water again. Keep doing this until the soil stays even with the rest of your yard. Now you can throw grass seeds on top of the soil and keep moist. Water each morning and each late after noon until you start seeing growth.
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Cat on November 16th, 2013 at 7:51 am #

Don’t cover the seed. Put the dirt in first, throw the seed on top, and pressing the soil to make good contact.

Grass seed needs light to germinate, and if it’s buried completely, nothing will happen until the soil is disturbed, or washed off enough that light gets to the seeds.
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lawn_junkie on November 16th, 2013 at 8:03 am #

You just have to top dress it with topper. You do not have to plant it deep at all. One other way is just to broadcast the seed and take a garden rake and just scratch the surface.
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Tensei Kaname on November 16th, 2013 at 8:45 am #

give this a try: http://www.thehardwarecity.com/?sku=2065266
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