Filed Under (Gardeners) by admin on 04-10-2013

Need a pond plant to put in a pottery fountain. Only thing is the opening is only about 18 inches, so the plant will be right next to the fountain. I need a pond plant that does well in turbulent waters. Will papyrus work? Any other suggestions?

I have a pickerel rush and a horsetail right next to my waterfall. I also have actually grown parrot’s feather right in the waterfall. For potted plants, you’ll need to cover the soil with about an inch of gravel to keep the dirt from washing out. Use a solid pot, not one of those screen types.

Papyrus would probably do OK, as would graceful cattails or one of the cypruses.

2 Comments posted on "What pond plants will tolerate turbulent waters?"
REnate on October 5th, 2013 at 3:06 am #

I don’t think anything will work because a plant needs soil at the base and turbulent water is going to wash the soil off the roots of the plant. Maybe set the plant beside the fountain.

The water is going to get really dirty if you try to put plants in the fountain. You can use artificial plants.
References :
have two ponds

thegubmint on October 5th, 2013 at 3:46 am #

I have a pickerel rush and a horsetail right next to my waterfall. I also have actually grown parrot’s feather right in the waterfall. For potted plants, you’ll need to cover the soil with about an inch of gravel to keep the dirt from washing out. Use a solid pot, not one of those screen types.

Papyrus would probably do OK, as would graceful cattails or one of the cypruses.
References :

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